Higher Hopes for Climate Bill- an unlikely duo may usher a bill through the Senate.

Perhaps Efficiency First (http://www.efficiencyfirst.org/about/) galavanting around Capital Hill lobbying for a climate bill containing REEP – a federal incentive program to stimulate building retrofits- had something to do with this new exciting development 😉

A new ‘partnership’ between Kerry and Graham will likely garner more Republican support for a Climate Bill passing this year, and perhaps more importantly, avoid Dems from abandoning ship. Hopefully the waiting game is over. Are they ready to do the right thing, or is passing a balanced Climate Bill priority to avoid EPA regulation?
From an op-ed released Oct.10 by the ‘partners’:

“The message to those who have stalled for years is clear: killing a Senate bill is not success; indeed, given the threat of agency regulation, those who have been content to make the legislative process grind to a halt would later come running to Congress in a panic to secure the kinds of incentives and investments we can pass today. Industry needs the certainty that comes with Congressional action.”

“Our partnership represents a fresh attempt to find consensus that adheres to our core principles and leads to both a climate change solution and energy independence. It begins now, not months from now — with a road to 60 votes in the Senate.”

See entire New York Times Op-ed here: