Cozy Home Performance - Climate Protection Solutions



Cozy Home Performance - Climate Protection Solutions



News and Events

PACE financing benefits

PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) financing is an ingenious tool to overcoming the major barrier to investments in significant building retrofits. Its a win, win, win, win and if you count all the life on earth and our future generations, the wins continue. PACE financing details are somewhat complex. IN a nutshell, towns and cities [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on PACE financing benefits

Mass. grants $15million toward DER projects

DOER (Mass Dept.Of Energy Resources) announces an RFR for the Massachusetts High-Performance Buildings Grant Program. $15million is available in grants from $500,000 to $2million. Taken by surprise and thoroughly pleased, I add a submission on the behalf of Cozy Home Performance to the list of things to do: bust out a 22 page proposal detailing [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Mass. grants $15million toward DER projects

Sensical Municipal DER Financing

Finally creative financing for energy retrofits has reached the East coast. Babylon, NY is providing accessible financing for residents to install efficiency measures and renewable energy systems. The best part..... the loan is tied to the house, not the homeowner and is payed back through energy bill savings. “The homeowner then pays the money back [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Sensical Municipal DER Financing

Rebuilding America: A policy framework

Center for American Progress released an impressive report that describes how we can possibly meet carbon emission reduction targets in a practicle way. Retrofitting 40million to see 20-40% energy use reductions is possible with technology available today. What is needed are financing tools to help building owners invest in efficiency retrofits. The Climate bill currently [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Rebuilding America: A policy framework

The quest for Sustainable zoning changes in Northampton

The Zoning Revisions Committee is charged with recommending to the planning board zoning changes to support the Sustainable Northampton master plan adopted in January 2008. Sustainable Northampton, as a true comprehensive city plan, delicately walks a line as thin and convoluted as the overarching theme itself: Sustainability. In its effort to spell out and guide [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on The quest for Sustainable zoning changes in Northampton

Is ‘Green’ bunk?

Third-Way, " the leading think tank for the moderate wing of the progressive movement," released a fascinating report about the semantics of the contemporary 'green movement', I mean 'environmental movement', I mean 'sustainability movement', I mean .....ahhhh help. The report based on focus group findings shows that the public is hungry for change in energy [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Is ‘Green’ bunk?

Renewables stealing the show?

I am repeatedly impressed with, and grateful to be a part of, the performance contracting industry group- Efficiency First. A recent article posted on the efficiency first blog, asks the important question: why is renewable energy receiving so many more financial incentives than energy efficiency. As Efficiency First president, Matt Golden puts it: "No matter [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Renewables stealing the show?

Will the slow economy keep oil prices down this summer? I hope not

The true price of a barrel of oil- the price reflecting adverse environmental and health costs of burning black gold- is much closer to $100 than $50. Yet this economic justification is not why I hope the price spikes. Energy efficiency services are easier to sell with high heating fuel costs- thats right, self interest [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Will the slow economy keep oil prices down this summer? I hope not

A True Green Economy

A True Green Economy inspired by Building a Better Future, a report by Environment America '40 percent of America’s energy—ten percent of all the en- ergy used in the world—goes towards powering our build- ings. Much of this energy is simply wasted through poor insulation, leaky windows, inefficient lighting, heating or cooling systems, and poor [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on A True Green Economy

Cozyblog May 18, 2009

’m nervous, It’s my first time: the first cozyblog- whoot! Introductions in this sphere are mute so a quick stating of the goals will be the only pre-amble to lots and lots of juicy content. Initial goals and intentions of the Cozyblog are……. …to bring you to the Cozy Home Performance website so you will [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Cozyblog May 18, 2009