Cozy Home Performance - Climate Protection Solutions



Cozy Home Performance - Climate Protection Solutions



News and Events

PACE legislation and law suit

On Thursday Congressman Mike Thompson was joined by 29 co-sponsors in introducing the "PACE Assessment Protection Act of 2010". This bill seeks to safeguard our nations PACE programs from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing Finance Agency

By |July 21st, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on PACE legislation and law suit

PACE enabling legislation in Massachusetts

PACE is going to provide municipalities with a tool to leverage greater investment in energy efficiency measures that target deep savings with relatively long paybacks. This is especially needed as Mass Save has been slow to adopt energy savings measures that deliver deeper energy savings, due to strict cost-effectiveness metrics regulated by DPU.

By |July 19th, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on PACE enabling legislation in Massachusetts

Thoughts on a Mass Save Assessment

I was very impressed by my Assessment Provider's knowledge and skills! Frank has over 1.5 years experience as an energy auditor and air sealer with CET- he was professional, knew the BPI protocol like the back of his hand ...

By |July 9th, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Thoughts on a Mass Save Assessment

PACE financing bogged down by FHFA

The irony is that Fannie and Freddie were bailed-out as a result of a failed business model of dolling out mortgages- an act that almost brought down our entire economy. Now FHFA has a problem with forward thinking communities using a creative and safe financing mechanism to help American homeowners invest in energy efficiency.

By |July 9th, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on PACE financing bogged down by FHFA

Cozy Home to be Home Star Gold ready.

With four BPI (Building Performance Institute) Certified professionals on staff and a business model that focuses on residential building science informed retrofits, we are more than ready to subscribe to the BPI quality assurance and oversight program.

By |June 30th, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Cozy Home to be Home Star Gold ready.

A HPContractor’s Mass Save Challenge

"I became a HERS Rater, took BPI courses and became certified for BPI’s Building Analyst and Multifamily designations, I attended weatherization seminars, attended the National Fiber Training, attended the MassSave Boot Camp, attended and became certified for the EPA’s RRP Rule, and certified my firm."

By |June 25th, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on A HPContractor’s Mass Save Challenge

Former DOER Director on Mass Save & Home Performance

"To be clear, everyone's desire is to do a great deal of high quality work and to reach far deeper into home savings than has historically happened under Mass Save or under contractor-driven energy efficiency for that matter". -former DOER Director

By |June 23rd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Former DOER Director on Mass Save & Home Performance

Weatherization Contractors- wake up!

I recommend that the disgruntled contractors in Eastern MA get significant air sealing training, invest in BPI Certifications, be open to adjusting business models, and sign up with CSG as sub contractors to take advantage of the referral (tag) program.

By |June 2nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Weatherization Contractors- wake up!