Cozy Home Performance - Climate Protection Solutions



Cozy Home Performance - Climate Protection Solutions



News and Events

Home Star…does Congress really get it?

Home Star, otherwise known as 'cash for caulkers' is still up in the air, but a blow was dealt yesterday as the WSJ reported that Home Star is left out of House $154 job-creation package. President Obama's support for Home Star shows his interest in providing a long-term solution to current unemployment trends. News to [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Home Star…does Congress really get it?

5million retrofits a year will change our paradigms

"The proposed HOME STAR program – popularly known as “Cash for Caulkers” – has the potential to jump-start the Home Performance industry from the current rate of about 250,000 home retrofits per year to 5.5 million retrofits in the next two years. This rapid growth in consumer demand would create hundreds of thousands of new [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on 5million retrofits a year will change our paradigms

Cozy Home to pursue BPI Accreditation

Congratulations to Gary Gronokowski, Cozy Home's newest BPI Certified Building Analyst, and Heating and Envelope Professional! (that's 3 certifications) Cozy Home Performance is committed to the 'home performance' model of building retrofitting. The Building Performance Institute (BPI) is the leading certification and accrediting organization in the nation. By employing the 'house as a system' model [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Cozy Home to pursue BPI Accreditation

Climate Bill options sinking…. 4% below 1994 levels by 2020!?

The Climate bill wrangling is really starting to get to me. I am starting to have the same feeling that overwhelmed me and many others when the US invaded Iraq. My gut is saying: this can't be good, this isn't going to get better, and this is a symbol that our country's values and ethics [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Climate Bill options sinking…. 4% below 1994 levels by 2020!?

New MA Utility Plans released…business as usual?

Massachusetts moved up on the annual ACEEE ratings of State energy efficiency efforts from 7th to 2nd. The revamped Utility energy conservation programs are a major contributor to this. The revamped near-final plans were just released today. You can see them here: The message I voiced to EEAC and Utility Programs Administrators at the [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on New MA Utility Plans released…business as usual?

Mayor Higgins understands Green energy issues…does Bardsley?

missed the Northampton Mayoral debate focused on sustainability issues but quotes that I read afterwards has me optimistic about the direction Mayor Higgins is headed, and unconvinced that Michael Bardsley understands the current opportunities that are on the horizon regarding residential energy efficiency. Higgins should be given credit for hiring Chris Mason, Northampton's energy officer, [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Mayor Higgins understands Green energy issues…does Bardsley?

Kerry and Lindsey Graham join efforts behind climate bill

Higher Hopes for Climate Bill- an unlikely duo may usher a bill through the Senate. Perhaps Efficiency First ( galavanting around Capital Hill lobbying for a climate bill containing REEP - a federal incentive program to stimulate building retrofits- had something to do with this new exciting development ;) A new 'partnership' between Kerry and [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Kerry and Lindsey Graham join efforts behind climate bill

Lobbying on Capital Hill

Lobbying on Capital Hill. I just wrapped up two long days of lobbying, networking, building-science geeky conversations, celebration, and positive thinking in Washington DC. It was truly an amazing experience and CHP is grateful for the inspiring and very efficient leadership of Efficiency First. ( Cozy Home Performance is a proud member of Efficiency First [...]

By |February 22nd, 2010|News and Events|Comments Off on Lobbying on Capital Hill