Cozy Home Performance - Climate Protection Solutions



Cozy Home Performance - Climate Protection Solutions



News and Events

FREE Home Energy Assessment

Did you know that Cozy Home Performance, LLC is a Mass Save Contractor? Schedule your FREE Home Energy Assessment with Mass Save today. Then contact us to review and schedule the work.

By |February 26th, 2016|Featured, News and Events|Comments Off on FREE Home Energy Assessment

Transformations and Cozy Home Collaborations – Net Zero Communities

A rewarding collaboration is emerging between Transformation, Inc, a net-zero energy community builder, and Cozy Home Performance, LLC. A few months ago Transformations contacted CHP to discuss the opportunity to work with them on their net-zero energy home building projects in Easthampton and Northampton. CHP was sought out because of their tremendous building envelope installation practices and, specifically, for attention to the integrity of the air barrier.

By |September 19th, 2014|Featured, News and Events|Comments Off on Transformations and Cozy Home Collaborations – Net Zero Communities

New Energy Code Starts July 1, 2014. Are you prepared?

The new codes are rigorous and require careful construction practices in order to be code compliant. And, with some of the most stringent specs being the building envelope insulation and air barrier controls, the need to pay attention to the details and pass the thermal boundary inspections becomes critical.

By |April 1st, 2014|Featured, News and Events|Comments Off on New Energy Code Starts July 1, 2014. Are you prepared?

Go Deep or Go Home! Mass Save Deep Energy Retrofit Builder Guide

Mass Save Deep Energy Retrofit Builder Guide By Betsy Pettit, FAIA, Ken Neuhauser, Cathy Gates Created: 2013/07/19 The purpose of this guide is to provide useful examples of high performance retrofit techniques for the building enclosure of wood frame residential construction in a cold and somewhat wet climate. The examples demonstrate effective management of liquid water (rain and ground water), airflow, water [...]

By |November 18th, 2013|News and Events|Comments Off on Go Deep or Go Home! Mass Save Deep Energy Retrofit Builder Guide

Are you ready for the new 2012 IECC

Cozy Home specializes in the design, install and testing of code compliant and high performance building enclosures. We are experienced with energy conservation codes and stretch town codes and can help builders, architects and contractors successfully transition and achieve the new IECC 2012 standards. The new code will be in full force beginning January, 2014. [...]

By |September 24th, 2013|News and Events|Comments Off on Are you ready for the new 2012 IECC

A Private and Public Venture that is Good for the Community.

EASTHAMPTON – The City Council wanted to wait for final documents before considering aneasement agreement between the city and Pleasant Street mill property owners. The council has set a Sept. 4 public hearing on the agreement that will require a two-thirds vote of the council to be approved. City attorney John H. Fitz-Gibbon said there was some [...]

By |August 13th, 2013|News and Events|Comments Off on A Private and Public Venture that is Good for the Community.

Cozy Home is a certified HERS Energy Rater

HERS Rating stands for Home Energy Rating System. This system uses highly developed software to compare the projected energy use of planned and actual homes with standard reference homes.Projected ratings give owners and builders an estimate of what a home’s efficiency will be like after construction or improvements, so that they may determine the [...]

By |August 13th, 2013|News and Events|Comments Off on Cozy Home is a certified HERS Energy Rater

Eelgrass Insulation. Now that’s green!

Now, we humans are resourceful and in New England we are proven pragmatists. This is so beautifully illustrated with insulation manufactured from the early 1900's. The old days of cold and drafty log and stone dwellings provided structure but not much insulating performance. So when wood platform, balloon framed housing was developed so came the [...]

By |August 13th, 2013|News and Events|Comments Off on Eelgrass Insulation. Now that’s green!