Please Support House Bill 2741, An Act Further Promoting Energy Efficiency
and Green Jobs!!!

Hello all,

I’m writing in hopes that you will sign the attached letter in support of House Bill 2741, An Act Further Promoting Energy Efficiency and Green Jobs. It’s the oilheat energy efficiency bill that Rep Smizik has sponsored for the second straight session and a bill that will provide significant economic and environmental benefits to the Commonwealth—for more information, please see the attached fact sheet or visit

We would like to get sign-ons finalized by the end of the week, so please let Natalie Hildt, email, [email protected] know whether your organization can sign on and, if so, whose name and title we should add as the signatory. *We would appreciate your response by Friday 4/5/13 at 4:00 PM*.

Community Action and the Massachusetts Energy Directors Association (MEDA) is signing on to this letter. I have been involved with this process for a couple years and Tuesday April 9 will have the opportunity to speak on a panel at the hearing on House Bill 2741. There is broad support for this bill, including the Mass Oil Heat Council.

If I can answer any specific questions about the bill please let me know. Also please feel free to pass this information along.


Peter Wingate
Energy Director
Community Action
Greenfield, MA