The cool summer mornings are welcomed as thoughts of sweaters and fuzzy socks are still romantic, not a prelude to winter.  With children back to school, college kids descending, and windows closing at night.  Fall is practically here.

Home heating fuel prices will remain manageable this heating season, according to the experts, who gather that recession and corresponding limited demand is more influential than climate change, major systemic perils to US and Euro economies, and partisan US political infighting.

Cozy Home Performance had the busiest summer yet. Demand is up, utility programs are becoming more regular, and we are adjusting business and retrofit systems to better serve our clients and to make our company more sustainable. As all small business have to do, we are constantly reflecting, evolving, and reminding ourselves of the purpose of our work. As the summer wanes, we are looking hard at the numbers to understand profit margins and market drivers. We have a new streamlined database systems up and running. We have clearer protocols and are using more straightforward approaches to communicating our services and value. Some learning has not been easy. We have been mildly burned at times and realize that in this day and age, official contracts are imperative, even when a hand-shake deal seems adequate. Bumps and hiccups in the last several months inspire us to be better and clarify our services and purpose of fixing an aging Western MA building stock. In an age of rapid growth defining success, we are constantly tightening our belts to be more efficient so we can help raise the bar for our industry. Through diligence and patience, we are finding the balance that will enable us to scale.

Spring is time for renewal for the birds. For the energy efficiency industry, Fall is the start of the busy time. We must be ready for synapses to connect when everyone who has been intending to button up their homes, wake up one morning and realize that the heat is going on in a few weeks.

We are ready. Though small as Cozy Home is, we continue to refine our deliverable. As the culture, economy, and necessity changes, we stay true to what we specialize in by providing comprehensive building performance retrofit services.

Happy Fall