Westfield, MA

Working with FSM Drawings,  Cozy Home Performance is participating in an FAA sound mitigation project at Westfield Barnes Municipal Airport.  Cozy Home is testing homes before the sound mitigation improvements and after to measure the air leakage reduction as a result of the FAA grant funded retrofit.

From the Westfield Barnes Municipal Airport website:

In 2005, The Base Relocation and Closure (BRAC) Commission recommended that the F-15 mission based at Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod be re-located to the 104th Fighter Wing here at Westfield.   In December of 2007, the FAA concluded that the move to Westfield would have significant noise impact on the local community.  It was at this time that The Westfield Airport Commission requested the voluntary Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study process to begin. The F-15’s have arrived and after nearly two years the FAA released their final approval of the Part 150 NCP on August 3rd, 2009.  This enabled the city to take the necessary steps to implement a NCP at Westfield Barnes.  Federal, State and local funding is now available through grants which will fund home acquisitions, relocation and modifications.